
Below there are several videos presenting experiments in archaeology. Experiments are not very useful for making archaeology more popular in public, but they also have an important role in our understanding how certain objects were made, buildings constructed, and, last but not least, also how dishes were made and what tools were necessary. However, we should be aware that these are not true scientific experiments as are used in the natural sciences, but archaeological simulations of different situations or procedures.

Nevertheless, archaeology can be an experimental field for many other sciences which test their methods in the archaeological research contexts. Natural sciences, in particular, expanded their research and relevance also in the field of archaeology.

Charles French unwraps the Geoarchaeological Laboratory

Človeške kosti in zobje - pokazatelji prehrane v preteklosti (Tamara Leskovar)

Magnetometry at work (Gorjani, Croatia)

One flew over the Gorjani Excavation

Predstavitev arheozooloških raziskav (Borut Toškan)

Posode in drugi pripomočki v prazgodovinski kuhinji (Manca Vinazza)

Najstarejši sledovi mleka in medu (Mihael Budja)

Prehrana v bronasti in železni dobi (Matija Črešnar)

Prazgodovinska hrana in njena priprava (Polona Janežić)

Delavnica kuhanja prazgodovinskih jedi.

Pottery firing experiment

A Day In The Field 

Identifikacija rastlinskih ostankov hrane